• Ness CAD       

    CAD assembly of Project Nessie's final form!

  • Ness Design       

    Some members of the Mechanical Team reviewing an old design of Nessie through SolidWorks.

  • Old sheet metal front cover       

    CAD of a sheet metal cover used in the front of an old version of Nessie's Chassis.

  • Old sheet metal leg cover       

    CAD of a sheet metal cover used over the legs of an old version of Nessie.

  • Lower pegboard       

    Two of these acrylic pegboards for electrical components fit under a cutout on the Chassis' main sheet metal body.

  • Main pegboard       

    Main acrylic pegboard that sat directly on the Chassis' sheet metal body. This is an image of the full assembly, since the pegboard needed to be divided into three separate parts for manufacturing.

  • Iso view of assembly       

    Isometric view of the final Chassis design with the top cover hidden to show the planned placement of the acrylic pegboards.

  • Iso view of assembly       

    Top-down view of the final Chassis design with the top cover hidden to show the planned placement of the acrylic pegboards.

  • Ness Real       

    Competition-ready Nessie in Hanksville, Utah, for the 2016 University Rover Challenge.

  • Ness CAD       

    CAD assembly of Project Nessie's final form!